Activity Planner

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The help description for the Activity Planner is equal for room and lobby location.

The Activity Planner is divided in two parts. The left part is called Activity list, and the right part is called Gantt view.

In the Lobby you can add, modify, delete activities, sub activities, milestones and generate reports for the lobby. You can access this function by choosing Activity Planner  under Planning & Control  .

In the Room you can add, modify, delete activities, sub activities, milestones and generate reports for one room. You can access this function by choosing Activity Planner  under Planning & Control  .

It's only the person/persons who has the role Administrator or Planner, that can Add, Edit or Delete activities. Some of the activity parameters can be updated and modified by the person who is responsible for the activity, (even if the person not have the role Administrator or Planner). All users in the portal or the room can however read the activities that are added.





Work with activities


NOTE: The functionality and the information you are allowed to modify depends of your role and permission.


Add new activity (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Click on the Add new activity button.
  2. Edit activity parameters for the new activity, according to Modify activity parameter in activity grid or Add/Modify activity parameters.


Add activity (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Select the defined activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
  3. Select Add… from the menu to open the sub-menu.
  4. Select the new activity type from the sub-menu:
    1. Activity above, to add a new activity above the selected activity.
    2. Activity below, to add a new activity below the selected activity.
    3. Milestone, to add a new milestone.
    4. Sub-activity, to add a new sub-activity to the selected activity.
    5. Successor, to add a new successor.
    6. Predeccessor, to add a new predecessor.
  5. Click on the button Save changes.


Add dependencies between activities (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Select one activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Select one of the circles in front or behind the selected activity.
  3. Hold down the left mouse button and use “drag and drop” to add/draw a dependency to the other activity, (the activity that has a dependency with the selected activity).
  4. Release the mouse button.
  5. Click on the button Save changes.


Move activity (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Move selected activity up or down.
    1. Select the defined activity in the left half of the activity grid called Activity list, use left mouse button to select the activity.
    2. Hold down the left mouse button and use “drag and drop” to move the selected activity to the new position.
    3. Release the mouse button.
    4. Click on the button Save changes.
  2. Change activity level.
    1. Select the defined activity in the Activity list.
    2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
    3. Select Shift right from the menu to move the selected activity one level, (change the selected activity from main activity to sub activity).
    4. Select Shift left from the menu to move the selected sub activity one level, (change the selected activity from sub activity to main activity).
    5. Click on the button Save changes.


Edit activity (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Select the defined activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
  3. Select Edit activity from the menu to edit the selected activity.
  4. Add new or modify activity parameters for the selected activity, according to Add/Modify activity parameters.


Delete activity (Administrator or Planner)

  1. Select the defined activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
  3. Select Delete activity from the menu to delete the selected activity.
  4. Click on the button Save changes.


Delete dependency (Appears in the menu if the selected activity has any defined dependency)

  1. Select the defined activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
  3. Select Delete dependency from the menu to open the sub-menu.
  4. Select the dependency activity from the sub-menu.
  5. Click on the button Save changes.


Subscribe/Unsubscribe activity (All user)

You can subscribe to a certain activity. This means that you will receive an email with all the changes that has been made to the activity.

  1. Select the defined activity in the Gantt view.
  2. Use right mouse button to open menu, (right click on the selected activity to open menu).
  3. Select Subscribe from the menu to start the subscription for the activity.
  4. Select Unsubscribe from the menu to stop the subscription for the activity.
  5. Click on the button Save changes.


Import data from MS Project (Administrator or Planner)

If you have used Microsoft ® Project™ for project planning and definition of activities, you can import this data from Microsoft ® Project™ to ProjectCoordinator® Activity Planner.

  1. Start Microsoft ® Project™.
  2. Save your data from Microsoft ® Project™ as a xml-file:
    1. Choose file/Save in Microsoft ® Project™ .
    2. Set Save as Type to xml-format.
  3. In ProjectCoordinator® Activity Planner
  4. Click on the button Import MS Project file .
  5. Click on the Browse button in the MS Project Import pop-up window.
  6. Use the browser to browse to the saved Microsoft ® Project file location.
  7. Selected the file with the Microsoft ® Project data and click on the Open button.
  8. Click on the Upload file button in the MS Project Import pop-up window.


Export data to MS Project (Administrator or Planner)

If you have used ProjectCoordinator® for project planning and definition of activities, you can export this data from ProjectCoordinator® Activity Planner to Microsoft ® Project™.

  1. Click on the button Export data to MS Project  .
  2. Choose Microsoft ® Project™ format, click on the corresponding format button in the MS Project Export pop-up window, (the selected format must be the same format used by your Microsoft ® Project™ installation).
  3. The planning data exported from ProjectCoordinator® Activity Planner is saved as a xml-file, (the data is saved as a file with the format set to xml-format).
  4. See Microsoft ® Project™ Manual and help documentation for instruction of how you import data to Microsoft ® Project™ from the saved xml-file.


Modify activity parameter in activity grid

NOTE: The functionality and the information you are allowed to modify depends of your role and permission.

  1. Modify defined activity parameter in the left half of the activity grid called Activity list.
  2. Select actual activity parameter in the Activity list, (select the actual activity parameter grid cell in the Activity list), and edit the parameter.
    1. Administrator or Planner. The following activity parameters can be changed in the Activity list:
      • Name
      • Start date
      • Duration
      • Status (% done)
    2. Activity responsible. The following activity parameters can be changed in the Activity list, (if you are defined as responsible for the selected activity):
      • Status (% done)
  3. To modify other activity parameters, (parameters that can’t be modified in the Activity list, only in the Gantt view), see Work with activities.
  4. Click on the button Save changes.


Add/Modify activity parameters (Administrator or Planner)

NOTE: The functionality and the information you are allowed to modify depends of your role and permission.


  1. Click on the tab Common.
  2. Add/Modify Activity Name, click in the Activity Name field and fill in the name of the activity.
  3. Mark as Milestone, click in the checkbox to define the activity as a milestone.
  4. Add/Modify Description, click in the Description field and fill in the description for the activity.
  5. Add/Modify Start Date.
    • Push the calendar button and select the actual year, month and day from the calendar.
    • Change year, month and/or day in the Start Date field, (double click on year, month and/or day in the Start Date field and change the defined date in the field).
  6. Add/Modify Stop Date.
    • Push the calendar button and select the actual year, month and day from the calendar.
    • Change year, month and/or day in the Stop Date field, (double click on year, month and/or day in the Stop Date field and change the defined date in the field).
  7. Add/Modify Duration, click in the Duration field and fill in duration.
  8. Add/Modify Status (%), click in the Status (%) field and fill in status.
  9. Add/Modify Estimated Time, click in the Estimated Time field and fill in estimated time.
  10. Use the drop down menu to select who is Responsible for the activity.
  11. Use the drop down menu to select the Priority for the activity.
  12. Click on the Ok button.

If you regret your changes or you don’t want to save the added/modified activity parameters, click on the Cancel button.


Links tab

You can link files to the activity, (i.e. you can link documents, pictures and other information to the main or sub activity).

  1. Click on the tab Links.
  2. Add a new file either by:
    1. Select the file name and the file location from browser.
      • Use the browser, (in the box below Activity Name), to browse to the file location and click on the file in the browser, (the Link and Name field is updated with file location and file name of the selected file).
    2. Fill in file name and the file location.
      • Add Link, (the location of the file), click in the Link field and fill in the location of the file.
      • Add Name, (the name of the file), click in the Name field and fill in the name of the file.
    3. Click on the Add button.
    4. The selected file is added to the file list.
  3. Delete a file.
    1. Locate the file in the file list, (if you can’t see the file in the file list use the slide bar or the arrow keys to locate the file).
    2. Click on , (in the Delete column for the selected file in the file list).
    3. The selected file is deleted and the list of linked files is updated.
  4. Click on the Save button.

If you regret your changes or you don’t want to save the added/modified activity parameters, click on the Cancel button.


Navigation, View tools and View resolution

In the Gantt view you get a graphic overview of all defined activities, sub activities and milestones.
You can change the displayed time period, hide and expand all sub-activities.


  1. Change display period one time period ahead or one time period back, (the time period depends of the selected period in View resolution).
  2. Use the  button to step one time period ahead.
  3. Use the  button to step one time period back.


View tools

  1. Use the View tools to expand or hide sub-activities.
  2. Click on the Collapse all button to hide all sub-activities.
  3. Click on the Expand all button to expand all sub-activities.


Change display period to fit window size

  1. Click on the Zoom to fit button.
  2. The display period is changed so all defined activities is shown in the Gantt view, (i.e. if some of the defined activities has a very long duration it can be difficult to see all the details).


Change display period to view, 10 weeks

  1. Click on the 10 weeks button.
  2. The display period is changed so all defined activities within 10 weeks, is shown in the Gantt view.
  3. Use the  button to step one 10 weeks period ahead.
  4. Use the  button to step one 10 weeks period back.


Change display period to view, 1 year

  1. Click on the 1 year button in the toolbar.
  2. The display period is changed so all defined activities within 1 year, is shown in the Gantt view.
  3. Use the  button to step one year ahead.
  4. Use the  button to step one year back.


Search for activity

Click in the Search for activity field.
In the Search for activity field you can define search condition to find specific activities.